What is sunbathing?

Sunbathing, which is sitting or reclining in the sun with the occasional goal of tanning, brings certain health advantages. With all the discussion about finding shade and wearing SPF, even on overcast days and throughout the winter, it might be hard to imagine that exposure to the sun, even in small amounts, can be good. However, it is and is not only beneficial but essential. How? Let’s dive in to explore that.

Advantages Sunbathing

Vitamin D provision:

As we know, Vitamin D is essential for the body because it facilitates the body’s absorption of calcium to strengthen bones and stave off osteoporosis and arthritis. It also plays a protective role in the body against several diseases, such as cancer, some autoimmune disorders, flu, muscular sclerosis, and heart disease. Moreover, Vitamin D prevents preterm labor and birth-related infections.

However, getting enough vitamin D only from the diet might be challenging. While certain fish and egg yolks contain it, the majority of it is taken through fortified foods like milk. There are also accessible supplements. But none is sufficient. Interestingly, the body naturally produces vitamin D when exposed to sunlight. The estimates suggest that 10-15 minutes of sun exposure gives 800-1000 IU of vitamin D, with 22% of the body covered. And teenagers require 600 IU or 15 mcg of vitamin D daily. So, sunbathe supplies with high Vitamin D loads. Apart from providing Vitamin D, sunlight has following other positively implications:

Reduced depression:

After spending time in the sun, there may be a decrease in reported symptoms of depression. The brain releases the hormone serotonin in response to sunlight, which can improve mood and encourage feelings of calm. Even if you don’t have depression, being in the sun enhances your mood.

Better sleep:

Sunlight helps balance your circadian cycle. So, when the sun sets, your body naturally becomes sleepy.

How long can you sunbathe?

You can sunbathe for up to 20 minutes each day without applying sunscreen as long as you don’t have any problems from regular sun exposure. It could be better to stick to 5 to 10 minutes to lower the danger of sunburn.

Your skin’s typical reaction to sun exposure, the air quality, and your location’s proximity to the equator will all affect this. Some UV light can be blocked by poor air quality. According to some studies, absorbing a large amount of solar radiation all at once is not as healthy as absorbing it gradually over time.

Disadvantages of sunbathing


Nowadays, the second most prevalent disease diagnosed in young adults is melanoma, the most dangerous kind of skin cancer. According to research, high sun exposure during the first 15 years of life is a significant risk factor for melanoma. Also, the American Academy of Dermatology reports that around 28 million Americans get sunburned inside each year. 2.3 million of them are teenagers. Their results suggest that Caucasian girls and women who frequent tanning salons are mostly 16-29.

Premature Aging:

Exposure to UV radiation, whether indoors or outdoors, can also cause premature skin aging. It implies that without protection, even a few minutes of daily exposure over the years can result in skin alterations that become apparent as an adult.


These days teens, especially the female population, are more prone to using tanning beds. However, most young ladies are unaware that the bronzed appearance they so desperately want is the skin’s apparent response to UV radiation damage. A tan is never safe, no matter where it comes, from the pool, a salon, or accidental exposure.

Other Skin Problems:

UV exposure is the cause of freckles, age spots, leathery skin, wrinkles, drooping skin, and uneven skin tone.

How to sunbathe safely?

There are following ways to safely sunbathe:

  • Wear at least 30 SPF fifteen minutes before you step outside. Apply at least one ounce of sunscreen to your whole body. That is roughly equivalent to the size of a full shot glass or a golf ball.
  • Remember to put SPF on your hands, feet, lips, and crown of your head if it isn’t covered by hair.
  • Steer clear of tanning beds. In addition to being hazardous, most tanning beds seldom emit enough UVB radiation to promote vitamin D  synthesis.
  • After every thirty minutes of sunbathing, find some shade to protect your skin and body from the extreme heat. It will also prevent heat rashes.
  • When tanning while lying down, try alternate positions often to prevent sunburn and to provide a complete and uniform tan.
  • When sunbathing, consume more water to keep yourself hydrated. While you’re exposed to the sun and your skin is drying out, it’s critical to maintain it moisturized and supple. Also, have a chapstick close by!
  • Eat tomatoes as they are high in lycopene, which has been shown in studies to help reduce skin redness caused by UV radiation.

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