Have you been a fan of diving? We – of course – love sun, sea, sand and underwater expeditions. More specifically – Scuba Diving. Scuba Diving is somewhat different from regular diving and snorkeling. Here divers use an apparatus as breathing equipment when below the surface. Although Scuba Diving doesn’t pose much of a threat in terms of safety, the concerns are not at Zero. If you’re a girl who loves explorations and snorkeling, here are the pros and cons you should be aware of Scuba Diving before setting off on an expedition.


Intense Exercise and Thrills

Isn’t the recent fitness workout working out anymore? We think we have the solution. Scuba Diving is the best workout for girls looking to increase flexibility, muscles and it helps to improve concentration capacity. Some believe one Scuba Diving session could approximately burn up to 300-600 calories! That’s just as much as a workout. And the plus point is, you get to see underwater creatures and click some pretty pictures as well. There’s no way we would say no to Scuba Diving.

Improves Blood Circulation and Breathing

Ladies, we know how busy we can get on a regular workday. Sometimes we forget to stretch our muscles and bones. We don’t even breathe adequately. This hinders blood circulation, which then turns into other illnesses. As almost all sicknesses stem from lack of fitness and blood circulation, diving into the ocean can help you loosen up those stiff joints. By using the apparatus, you can neutralize your breathing, which puts the rhythm back to your inhales and exhales. You would be ready to kick back and run the women’s marathon with all that clear blood circulation.

The Adventure Pill for Stress and Anxiety

We girls monotonously go about in life and forget to take care of our mental health. While a beach vacation becomes the utmost exciting getaway from reality, there’s an ultimate experience that stands out. Scuba Diving can help manage stress with its breathing techniques. While underwater, we take slower breaths that help sustain our emotions. When this art is mastered – through meditation or Scuba Diving – your stress endurance levels automatically increase. So if you feel like your stress toleration going down, take a vacation to the nearest coast, and go Scuba Diving!

Builds confidence

As girls, we can undoubtedly say that most of us are battling with confidence-related issues. We always feel that we are not doing our best. And the best way to test it is in a whole different environment. Where the only familiar thing to you is your determination and will to keep going. When you’re under the sea, you’ll focus on surviving. This builds up your self-esteem, giving you the confidence to battle any challenge that’s not familiar to you. Because now you have literally been in a different environment where you swiftly made it through to the surface. If you’re ready to boost up your confidence in time for that promotion, go Scuba Diving!


Not being a Pro at Swimming

Just like any other water sport involving lakes and oceans, you should know the basics and a bit more about swimming. If you have never taken a dip in an ocean or a river, we advise you to first make yourself familiar with the currents of uncontrolled waters. Scuba Diving is a big step where you dive into the far sea beds. Once you become a swimming pro, Scuba Diving 101 would be just a task for you. If you’re a surfer, the confidence issue may not arise at all. However, it’s always best to practice and put safety first.

Decompression Sickness

Decompression Sickness in divers – also known as DCS bends, occurs when there’s a sudden change in climates and altitudes. Some people experience Decompression Sickness while in high altitudes as well. This could be quite a serious problem if you do get it underwater, as you would experience extreme pains in muscles and joints and sometimes fatigue. Although this happens rarely, if you’re a girl Scuba Diving for the first time and start to feel increasing pain or dizziness, instantly make your way to the surface to avoid scenarios of drowning.

Alert! No Asthma Patients

If you have Asthma, Scuba Diving is a big No. Asthma is not the only sickness that will be checked. Few other illnesses may prevent you from getting the certification for Scuba Diving. Asthma comes first because it directly associates with breathing – which is the most important factor to consider when diving under the ocean, where natural breathing is not an option. It doesn’t matter if you’re a girl or a boy. If you do have many health complications, refrain from paying in advance for Scuba Diving classes.

Expensive Sessions

When compared to Snorkeling – which is mildly similar to Scuba Diving – Scuba Diving can be costly. As everyone who Scuba Dives are required to practice and receive a certificate, some end up paying diving classes hefty amounts to get the certificate with less hassle. Scuba Divining comes with its perks and drawbacks, and the expense can be pointed as one of those disadvantages. Especially if you are on a budget and planned holiday, sparing your daily expense cost for Scuba Diving certificates may not be worth it after all. Unless you plan to do it often.

The Foul Taste of Compressed Air

Although some don’t mind the taste, it could be an off-put. Many girls have experienced the foul taste of compressed air, which destroyed the fun underwater expedition due to the discomfort. This may depend on person to person, and sometimes one gear to another. The best thing you can do to avoid the taste disruption is to chew minty gum and refresh your breath.


There you go! All the pros and cons of Scuba Diving that every girl must know! If you have never done Scuba Diving, we assure you it’ll be a one-of-a-kind experience. So with the necessary guidance and precautions, go for it!

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